What is Deposit Collector?

Deposit Collector is a pro-tenant debt collector, helping tenants whose landlords illegally kept part or all of their security deposits.

How does it work?

Get paid for your security deposit fast, up front, without having to sue your landlord. Just sell us the debt.

Getting paid is easy:

  1. Submit information about your security deposit dispute to Deposit Collector.
  2. We evaluate your case.
  3. If we like your case, we pay you 70-90% of the value of your deposit to buy the debt from you.

And then you're done! You got paid, and you don't have to worry about collecting the money from your landlord.

What does it mean to sell a debt?

If someone owes you money, their debt is your property, and can be sold. Selling your security deposit debt to Deposit Collector means that your landlord stops owing any security deposit money to you, and owes the money to us instead.

If you sell Deposit Collector your security deposit debt, you are also giving us the right to recover interest and/or additional statutory damages from the landlord as authorized by state law.

How fast can I get paid?

You can expect to be paid within 0-3 business days of submitting all required information to us and signing a contract to sell the debt.

How much does Deposit Collector pay tenants for the debt?

We pay 70-90% of the amount of the deposit owed by your landlord, depending on how difficult we think it will be to collect. For example, if your landlord keeps your $1000 security deposit for bogus reasons, and we think you have a very strong case, we will pay you $900 to buy the debt.

If Deposit Collector fails to collect the debt, do I have to pay you back?

No. When we buy your landlord's debt from you, the money we pay is yours to keep. If your landlord never pays off the debt to Deposit Collector, that's our problem, not yours.

Will Deposit Collector represent me in court against the landlord?

No, we can't represent you in court. When Deposit Collector buys your landlord's debt, you stop being a party to the debt. So if we sue your landlord to collect the debt, the lawsuit won't be in your name - the case will just be between Deposit Collector and the landlord.

Where can I get legal advice about my security deposit?

Deposit Collector is not a lawyer or law firm, and can't represent you or provide legal advice. We encourage you to speak with a lawyer to understand your legal rights regarding your deposit dispute.

Some organizations exist that provide free legal advice to renters. See if your state has one by searching the internet for "<your state> free tenants legal aid".